Friday, February 24, 2012
back to school mode
its been a while..2 years probably since my last post. yesterday was my master briefing @serdang, so...thinking of ...back to my writing yg tak seberapa ni. as after this there's going to be many many bunch of assignments, field projects plus labs stuff..not to forget research methodology whereby you (which means me) got to get used to SPSS software (which i like the least :/ hmmm)
very well..nothing much to say right now..back to work i suppose.
see ya then.salam :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
ummu hani~~hepy birthday

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
I would like you to dance (birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (birthday)
I would like you to dance (birthday)
I would like you to dance (birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (birthday)
I would like you to dance (birthday)
You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you
Monday, March 29, 2010
tunggu teduh dulu~~faisal tehrani

Saturday, March 20, 2010
im working on
Thursday, March 4, 2010
hari me~ngelat se wh0la ^_^
just wondering...nak tulis apa pun tak tau, terfikir maybe boleh share sesuatu yg berfaedah
hurm..think...think...think......nothing come accross lately....hurmmmm.....wallahualam